Today, the Protector of Citizens, on his own initiative, and based on media reports that in the Belgrade neighborhood of Mirijevo, a father kept his child in isolation in an apartment in poor hygienic conditions for years, but also that the family has been on the records of the Belgrade City Centre for Social Work since the birth of the child, launched an investigation to control the legality and regularity of work of six competent authorities and, in the spirit of good cooperation, requested information and court decisions from the First Basic Court in Belgrade.
The Protector of Citizens requests from the City Centre for Social Work in Belgrade, two of whose departments – Palilula and Zvezdara – worked with the family, to provide him within 15 days at the latest with data on the activities of those departments in their previous work with the family, bearing in mind that the family was on the records of the centre since the birth of the child, as well as on the activities they undertook to protect the child after learning that the child was a victim of violence and parental neglect. The city centre should also provide information on whether the child attended a preschool program, whether she is now attending elementary school, and whether the guardianship authority has taken measures to enable the child to exercise her right to education.
The Protector of Citizens then asked the Zvezdara and Palilula health care centres to inform him within the same period whether the child was treated in these institutions, whether the health care workers have so far noticed signs of violence or parental neglect regarding the child's health status (among other things, whether she was properly vaccinated) and whether violence or neglect has been reported to other competent institutions.
The Protector of Citizens asked the Administration of the City Municipality of Zvezdara to inform him whether the child is attending an elementary school, whether she previously attended a preparatory pre-school program, and whether, in connection with this information, the Administration undertook activities within its jurisdiction if the child was denied the exercise of her rights to education and upbringing by the actions of her parent.
Also, the Protector of Citizens requested the Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography to carry out extraordinary expert supervision over the work of the City Centre for Social Work in Belgrade – Palilula and Zvezdara Departments, and to submit the results of the supervision to him no later than 15 days from the day it was conducted.
Also, the Protector of Citizens asked the Ministry of Interior to inform him within 15 days at the latest about the activities undertaken on reports in the previous period, as well as the activities undertaken after learning that the child was a victim of violence and parental neglect.
In the spirit of good cooperation, and bearing in mind that according to media reports, the competent centre initiated the procedure of deprivation of parental rights for both parents, and the court made a decision to entrust the child to the father for the independent exercise of parental rights, the Protector of Citizens requested from the First Basic Court in Belgrade to provide him with information on all the proceedings that have been conducted or are currently being conducted before that court in connection with this case, and if the proceedings have ended, to provide copies of court decisions.